Is travel insurance valid if the flight dates got rescheduled by the Airline?


On the MAWISTA Visum Comfort that I have bought for my Schengen trip in Dec 2018, following has been indicated:

"For the insured person from visa requiring countries: Your insurance cover is valid within the period starting from 04.12.2018 until 03.12.2019 for multiple stays within the policy territory up to 8 days. Multiple reentries and departures are possible. The duration of stay(s) will be proven by the re-entry and departure stamps in the passport of the insured person."

I am not sure if you have the same insurance, but check for something similar mentioned on your insurance document, and if so, it should be valid provided you enter on or after the inception date (4th Dec for me) for upto a year..


The solution to your problem is to just get the travel insurance for more days than the originally scheduled trip. For example, if you're traveling from Dec 1st to Dec 31st, get an insurance covering Nov 25th to Jan 5th. This way you're covered if something goes wrong on either side of your trip. Given that travel insurance is usually very cheap, padding it with a few extra days usually won't make a dent in your budget, especially compared to the price of the ticket itself.

The same issue arises all the time with things other than travel insurance: visas, hotel bookings, car rentals, important business meetings, etc. And the solution is always the same - give yourself some breathing room rather than relying on everything going perfectly according to plan.


The one and only source of an answer for this question is your Insurance Policy itself. Either read the policy, and/or contact the insurance company to confirm whether you are covered, and/or how you can change your coverage dates.

Some policies will automatically extend the policy validity if the trip is extended by an event that is covered by the policy. So if a flight is cancelled and have to stay an additional day then you may be covered - however even if your policy does have such a provision it's possible that a schedule change in advance may not be covered by it.

Travel Insurance terms and conditions vary wildly between companies and even specific policies, so only the T&C's themselves or the company can help you.

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