How is Santiago, Chile, during Easter?


Accepted answer

I spent Good Friday - Easter in Santiago. Good Friday is already a holiday in Chile.

All the malls, restaurants, museums and the cable car were functioning normally even on Sunday, I only couldn't find any single opened currency exchange. Bus from/to the airport was operating as in any other day too.

If you want to go out of the city (Valparaiso, Viña del Mar), you have to buy your ticket some time in advance - as I confirmed with some locals, pretty much everyone spends the holiday there, so tickets to come back to Santiago on Sunday may be difficult to get (you can buy them on-line before though). I only thought about it on Saturday and didn't manage to get one.

I didn't find any Easter-specific events, but in every square I went to there was something happening anyway. Plaza de Armas was the most interesting I think, there was some national dance competition happening there, I think it's a weekly event but I'm not sure.

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