Forced Physical Quarantine at US Southern Border?


Accepted answer

No quarantine is being enforced as of early February 2021.

We made the trip. When entering Mexico in vehicle, there was no verbal or physical contact with any Mexican official, just a photo taken of the car automatically then the bar goes up and you drive on in. Though I'm sure this could vary depending on the day and how your vehicle looks.

Upon returning to US on foot, no questions were asked about purpose of or events or contact during visit. No metal detectors were in use.

Bags were x-rayed...Well...They went on a belt and through a machine that looked like an x-ray machine. A US official was watching the screen on the machine though for all I know it it could have been playing cinemax.

There was no taking off of belts or shoes like in an airport. Even jacket with wallet and phones and metal items in pockets was not inspected.

US officials at ElPaso downtown port of entry asked no questions other than "Can I see your travel document"

The only mention of covid-19 was the tape markings on the floor for standing 6 feet apart, and the masks that most US officials were wearing.

It was a much easier exit/entry than I expected. Harder to get into a football game.

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