Leaving the USA after the visa waiver expired?


You will be allowed to leave the USA without a problem, but unless you filed for adjustment of status, you will not be able to return to the USA for either three or ten years (depends on exactly how long you overstayed the visa waiver).


Do not be terrified: the USA authorities will be quite glad to get rid of an illegal immigrant and won't spend a dime on her. Think of it -- do they want to erect barriers for people leaving ?

You will lose your ESTA privileges for life and will need a B1/2 visa the next time you want to come to the USA and that won't be any time soon: you are banned for at least three years (overstay by more 180 days: 3 years ban) and if you overstay by a year then the ban is ten years but beyond that, there are no repercussions.

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