Rabies vaccine booster dose in Indonesia?


Self-answering my anonymous question here. In the end after 1 year I really wanted that booster, so I went to the largest hospital in Bali (Sanglah) 2 weeks before the due date to make sure it was possible. They assured me I would be able to get the booster, so I decided NOT to book a flight to Singapore to get it there.

Then when the date arrived, I went to get the booster but they suddenly had no idea what I was talking about and it was explicitly NOT possible to get the booster without actually having been bitten recently.

Long story short, do not count on being able to get a preventive booster in Indonesia.


Any public hospital (Rumah sakit) can do i safely.

I am not saying that Indonesian hospitals are good, mind you. As it would be too complicated to give medical students a comprehensive teaching, the medical school mostly rehearse the basic gesture again and again. So they definitely can make a vaccine.

I would say the problem will not be cleanness but logistic inefficiency.
They most likely don't have any vaccine in stock(even in a fancy clinic) and will ask you to come back next week. And will ask you to go to 5 different places to fill some forms.

Expect the staff to be extremely surprised. It may take time for them to understand/believe your request. Prevention is extremely unusual in Indonesian culture.

Useful vocabulary:
hospital : rumah sakit
Rabies : "Rabies" or "penyakit anjing gila" (mad dog disease)
vaccine : vaksin
Come back latter/tomorow : kembalik nanti/besok

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