What do these traffic signs mean? I saw them in Bali, Indonesia


These are road classifications meant for truck drivers, in terms of max dimensions and weight of the vehicles allowed.

Sign with one line: Entry restrictions on vehicles with a width exceeding 2.5 meters, length exceeding 18 meters, height 4.2 meters, and the heaviest axle load of 10 tons.

Sign with two lines: Entry restrictions on vehicles with a width exceeding 2.5 meters, length exceeding 12 meters, height 4.2 meters, and the heaviest axle load of 8 tons.

Sign with three lines: Entry restrictions on vehicles with a width exceeding 2.1 meters, length exceeding 9 meters, height 3.5 meters, and the heaviest axle load of 8 tons.

Source (page 82, in Indonesian)

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