What technique do you use to remember city names in foreign languages?


Accepted answer

Use Wikipedia. The names of the cities have a phonetic transcription and very often an audio file. You just have to read, listen and practice. It is important that you practice aloud!

Here are some examples:





It's weird, but once I've been there and heard a foreigner say it - ie in their language, it makes more sense to me.

Perhaps it's the audio effect - reading it I have no idea how to pronounce it, but once you've heard something, you can at least make an (often horrific) attempt at saying it.

I especially found this difficult with Cyrillic, and often resorted to Google Translate - it has a great little phonetic button to sound it out, and then an audio for you to listen to. But sometimes nothing is better than just practising it with a local, then it'll stick in your mind :)

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