Which Kings of France visited England?


Accepted answer

As Semaphore mentioned in his comment, the only French King other than John II (reigned 1350 to 1364) who ever set foot in the British Isles during his reign was Louis Philippe (reigned 1830 to 1848).

enter image description here The Arrival of Louis-Philippe (1773-1850) at Windsor Castle, 8th October 1844. by Édouard Pingret (1788-1875).

Louis Philippe's visit (there's another image here) followed a visit by Queen Victoria to Louis Philippe at the Château d'Eu (Normandy) from September 2nd to 7th, 1843. She made another visit in 1845. The article Entente Cordial notes that:

This demonstration of friendship was even more remarkable as three years earlier, the two countries had been on the brink of war over the Far East question, public opinion then displaying strong feelings of resentment on both sides of the Channel.

The strong rapport between the French Minister of Foreign Affairs François Guizot and his British counterpart Lord Aberdeen had much to do with this rapprochement.

enter image description here Arrival of Queen Victoria at the Château d’Eu, September 2nd, 1843. Image source.

Despite the frequent presence of English medieval monarchs on French soil noted in the question, Victoria's visit was in fact the first by a reigning British / English monarch since Henry VIII's meeting with Francis I in Boulogne in 1532 (note the Wikipedia article on Victoria wrongly states 1520). Although both Charles I and Charles II spent time in France, neither were monarchs at the time.

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