How did people acquire things in the pre-Roman Celtic world?


Accepted answer

The Celts were using "ring money" as early as 800bc, up until 300bc, when they picked up the idea of using coins from the Greeks.


Barter, gifts, and payments - same as now. For example,

"I'll swap you a sheep for half of that pig I just slaughtered."

The head of the tribe gives weapons and jewelry to people to both bind them in his debt and to show his wealth and power.

"I'll work on your fields for a day in return for food and lodging."

P.s. The Celts had coins before the Romans and rather better quality coins and jewelry than the Romans for most of the period.


As far back as 8th century BC there was evidence of 'proto money' in the form of rings, bracelets and other wearable currency items. They were often roughly made and sometimes had marks on them so they could cut them into segments to buy smaller items.

They tended to be made of gold, silver or bronze and there are plenty floating around in museums and even for sale and they were also used by the vikings.

not a lot floating around online although this (non academic) page has some details on it.

This would have been in addition to barter, the primary method of commerce of the time.

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