Who does Irenaeus call "a certain person among the ancients"?


Accepted answer

Irenaeus doesn't say and he doesn't give any hint.

Unfortunately, that question couldn't be answered by several other experts in the field:

It is unclear to whom Irenaeus is here referring.

— M. C. Steenberg: "Irenaeus on Creation: The Cosmic Christ and the Saga of Redemption", Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements, Brill: Leiden, Boston, 2008, p185.

Though the chain is not as compressed as in IV 20.2, he does it in III 23.3. Here, spliced between two references to Genesis, and followed by a reference to the Lord’s words in Matthew, are the following words of an unnamed, non-Scriptural authority: ‘As a certain person among the ancients has observed: “God did indeed transfer the curse to the earth, that it might not remain in man”.’

— Charles E. Hill: "‘The Writing which Says ...’ The Shepherd of Hermas in the Writings of Irenaeus", in: Markus Vinzent (Ed): "Papers presented at the Sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2011", Studia Patristica Vol. LXV, Volume 13: The First Two Centuries — Apocrypha Tertullian and Rhetoric From Tertullian to Tyconius, Peeters: Leuven, Paris, Walpole, 2013. p134

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