Is there a commonly-accepted book or a site that explains the history-of-everything?


Accepted answer

Is there a commonly-accepted book or a site that explains the history-of-everything?

No. Nor will there ever be one. The reductionism required to explain "everything," even if we limit that to the physical remains of cultural records of humanity plus the textual remains of humanity, no. To make such an account fit within the 300-900 page limit of most books would require a summary tone that would reduce the "records of the past" to mere finger puppets for the author's ideological position.

However, there are books that try anyway, and provide something of a "pastiche" or a "whistle-stop" account of how first world westerners view reality. Admittedly here you're getting first world westerner ideology, rather than records of the past, but the better kinds of this text cite their sources or provide a bibliography for further reading.

Most "World History 1" textbooks will cover this. As will the wonderful "Cartoon History of the Universe" Parts 1-3.

Such surveys aren't real history, however. They should be treated like encyclopaedia articles as the first aid to research, not as the end point.

I am seeking for a e-book or a site where briefly talk about civilization.

You want an archaeology text book, giving that civilisation (the living in cities) predates literacy.

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