Have any major US book publisher published a book about USA war crimes?


Accepted answer

It appears that you are basically asking if USA sources ever publish histories that are either cheifly about, or at least include, some of the more unsavory, or even downright immoral conduct of the United States throughout its history.

The answer to that has to be an unequivocal yes. The temptation here is to produce a list (which is outside of the bounds of this stack), but I will point you to probably the most well-known and comprehensive exemplar: A People's History of the United States. This is a work written by American Historian Howard Zinn, and published by American publisher Harper, and can be found in pretty much any library or large bookstore in the USA.

While being perhaps the most comprehensive, it is far from the only American work of history or nonfiction covering what might be considered "bad" behavior on the part of the United States. Any bookstore or library in the USA with a non-fiction section is full of such works. Much of the reason their past history of things like native genocides, slavery, racisim, domestic terrorisim, improper wartime behavior, etc., is so well known to the world at large is because of American authors and American publishers.

If anything, it would be much fairer to wonder why other societies aren't nearly as embracing of self-criticisim as the USA is.

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