Not really the number you want, but some light on how many that did have access to other channels than SVT1,SVT2 & TV4. My conclusion is that the number of households with access to other channels seems to have increased a lot during the 1990s, from around 45% to around 70%.
Source 1 gives a total of around 47%:
I början på 1990-talet var ungefär 40 procent av de svenska hushållen, 1,5 miljoner, anslutna till kabelnät och ungefär 7 procent tog in sattelitkanaler via egen parabolantenn
In the beginning of the 1990s, approximately 40 percent of Swedish households, 1.5 million, were connected to cable networks and approximately 7 percent received satellite channels via their own satellite dish.
Source 2 gives a total of 72% but it is a press release from 2003, even if the number isn't fully up to date at the time it is a few years after the 1990s.
Med satellituniversum menas de hushåll som nås via kabel eller satellit, vilket är 72% av de svenska hushållen.
By satellite universe is meant the households that are reached via cable or satellite, which is 72% of Swedish households.