Nazi Germany - Income of low-wage workers, and prices of food and other items?


Accepted answer

I find a couple of figures concerning wages. According to HistoryLearningSite:

The KdF also involved itself in introducing a scheme whereby the workers could get a car. The Volkswagen – People’s Car – was designed so that most could afford it. The Beetle, designed by Ferdinand Porsche, cost 990 marks. This was about 35 weeks wages for the average worker. To pay for one, workers went on a hire purchase scheme. They paid 5 marks a week into an account.

Theoretically, when the account had reached 750 marks the worker would be given an order number which would lead to them receiving a car. In fact, no-one received a car. The millions of marks invested into the scheme were re-directed into the rapidly expanding weapons factories.

Not a great business practice, but the quote gives us a number to work from. Doing the math this works out to an average wage of 28.28 Marks per week.

Another source, a book published in 2000, Hitler:1889-1936 Hubris, by Ian Kershaw has some figures within it showing nearly 50% of German workers earned

18 Reich Marks or less per week, which was substantially below the poverty line.

So wages for German workers in this era could be expected to typically fall between 18 and 28 Marks per week.

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