At Pearl Harbor was a Japanese Third Wave of attack in the original plan or was Nagumo expected to improvise?


Any third attack was specifically ordered to be made by carrier attack plane, that is the B5N, carrying torpedoes, not bombs.


"Carrier Striking Task Force Operations Order No. 3

"23 November 1941

"To: Carrier Striking Task Force

"The Hawaiian operations air attack plan has been decided as follows:

"1. The Operation of the Air Attack Forces

"The force will be 700 nautical miles due north of point Z (set at the western extremity of the Island of Lanai) at 0600 hours X-1 Day and advance on a course of 180 degrees from 0700 hours X-1 Day at an increased speed of 24 knots.

"Air attacks will be carried out by launching the first attack units 230 nautical miles due north of Z point at 0130 hours X Day, and the second attack unit at 200 nautical miles due north of Z point at 0245 hours.

"After the launching of the second attack units is completed, the task force will withdraw northward at a speed of about 24 knots. The first attack units are scheduled to return between 0530 and 0600 hours and the second attack units are scheduled to return between 0645 and 0715 hours.

"Immediately after the return of the first and second attack units, preparations for the next attack will be completed. At this time, carrier attack planes capable of carrying torpedoes will be armed with such as long as the supply lasts."

The entire order and others can be found at

Clearly, from the order, any third attack was to be oriented towards continued strikes on warships. If you read the orders through thoroughly you might note that the words "fuel (except where it refers to fueling of Japanese vessels)," "oil," "tanks," "storage," and other words describing the sorts of targets some might wish to assign a third attack in hindsight do not appear. Absent some compelling reason, usually when the plan goes down the tubes, most military organizations tend to follow their orders as written and not make it up as they go along.

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