You can scan them for numismatically rare pieces, but depending on quantity most probably they worth a few hundred pounds, if any chance there is one or two rare note (limited availability) then more. As O.M. pointed out, the notes went through severe inflation, addition to this information, the notes were printed like there will be no tomorrow. That 100.000 Marks could be a single note or a nice stash of notes.
Rare notes might be found by printing year or some characteristics (misprints). It requires a lot of research or some help from a local coin dealer.
The Reichsmark is no longer currency. One could make a hypothetical case what it would have been worth if the bearer had gone to an exchange office, which depends on whether it is a pre-1923 or pre-1948. In 1923, the rate was 1:1,000,000,000,000. In 1948, it was approx. 1:150.
So the hypothetical value could be 0.0000001 or 650 Marks.
Here is a 50 trillion Mark bill (note that the non-US use of long-scale billion).
As Peter Diehr pointed out, the collector's value today is unrelated to the nominal value.