When dubbing a knight why is the right shoulder dubbed first?


Right (dextra) was always considered more honourable than left (sinistra). Left was something to be avoided, from the devil, etc. Look at the Latin name.

The medieval order of battle was usually the main force in the centre, with right and left flanks. The right position was considered the more honourable place.

Not that long ago, left-handed people were forced to write right-handed. I vividly remember my first grade teacher observing me trying to write with my left hand. She switched my pencil to my right hand. I looked angry at her, and switched back to my left hand. She left it at that. A few (2-3 years!) before, she would have forced me to write with my right hand.

I'm not surprised this (right: good - left: bad, evil) played a role in a knighting ceremony.

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