How many times did the US experiment before dropping the atomic bomb in Japan?


Yes, it was the only test.

The plutonium (implosion) bomb design was only tested that one time before being used on Nagasaki. The uranium (gun) bomb design was entirely untested (*) when used on Hiroshima.

(*): "Untested" / "tested only once" refers to a complete "device" leading to a runaway chain reaction. They have been testing the heck out of the individual components, and have been conducting many tests to figure out at which point the runaway chain reaction would occur so they could build a device that would neither "fizzle" (start chain reaction too soon and go "pop" instead of "boom" because the device destroys itself prematurely) nor fail to enter chain reaction at all.

The uranium (gun) design was considered to be so simple that the chance of malfunction was minimal and did not require testing. Besides, they only had enough U235 for the one bomb anyway.

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