Aryanization in Nazi Germany. What did it mean in reality?


Accepted answer

The Wikipedia article to which you give the link is a bit vague. There is a better account of him here:

especially this:

“The Cellon-Werke prospered, but in 1933 Eichengrün had to sell part of his share in the company to Germans of Aryan descent. In 1938 the Nazis forced him to withdraw completely from his company, and as a result he sold his firm to the Chemische Fabrik Dr. Joachim Wiernik & Co. in Berlin-Waidmannslust. Due to his reputation and influential contacts, Eichengrün remained free and continued his research at home until he was imprisoned for four months in 1943 for failing to include the statutory “Israel” as part of his name in a letter to a Reich official. In May 1944, he was deported to Theriesenstadt concentration camp until its liberation by the Red Army. He returned to Berlin after the war to continue his scientific work in private.”

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