Why was Turkey neutral during WWII?


Accepted answer

Technicaly, Turkey participated: it entered the war on the Allies side on February 23, 1945, after a substantial allied pressure.

Why it did not participate earlier, I think it is easy to answer. You "profit" from a world war only if you take the right side. In WWI Turkey (reluctantly) chose the wrong side, and the result was the collapse of the empire. Telling early which side is going to win was difficult, in both world wars.

As I understand, after the collapse, the point of view prevailed that Turkey has to be a national state rather than empire (the Russians do not understand it even now). Therefore, it did not really want to try to restore the empire, preferring to stay neutral.

It seems that empires are out of date since the second half of 20s century.

EDIT:...at least in Europe and in the Middle East.

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