To be frank, it seems the author has no clue.
[...], he didn't have friends or relatives in high places, [...]
He was in the Beer Hall Putsch which was promoted by Erich Ludendorff, the former German General of World War I and idolized as "the brain of the war". While not leading anymore, Ludendorff had tremendous connections and support. His influence was so great that Ludendorff was acquitted despite being the leading force of the Putsch.
He was a penniless immigrant
True insofar as he entered Germany after leaving Vienna 1914. But not in the war (soldier pay) and definitely not after entering politics.
When Hitler appealed to the German voters and asked for their trust, he could muster only one argument in his favor: his experiences in the trenches had taught him what you can never learn at university, at general headquarters or at a government ministry. People followed him, and voted for him because they identified with him, and because they too believed that the world is a jungle, and that what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.
Sorry to be blunt: Bullshit.
First of all: The German military had a comment: an unspoken rule book what is appropiate for a soldier. Bragging or pointing out the own role in the war was out of order.
People followed him because he was a demagogue and a good speaker. He knew how to push the lizard buttons: Animosity against an common enemy, scapegoating, giving easy to understand destinations and worldviews. Giving people the hope of a comeback and revenge of Germany against the perceived humiliating defeat and the Treaty of Versailles.
At least one thing is pointing in the right direction: During the fight for power there was an influential party almost exclusively supported by soldiers: The Stahlhelm. Hitler had naturally as WWI veteran automatically its sympathies.
It is also important to know that "German voters" were not unison. Communists, Nazis and the middle-class voters were hostile to each other and had very different ideas how Germany should continue.
At another point the author points out Hitler's undistinguished military service record over four years.
How did he explain that Hitler was awarded the Iron Cross First Class ? While the number of crosses were inflated, still there were only 200 000 crosses IC 1st for 13 000 000 soldiers, making it 1 for 50 soldiers.
I am not a historian, but from a German perspective the books sounds like badly researched kitsch.