Did Reza Shah Pehlavi know about Turkish offer to restore Ahmad Shah Qajar?


Accepted answer

Depending on the date of this offer, an explanation could be made to why Reza Khan, future Palavi, did not take into account the offer of Ataturk as an agression.

The putsch made by Reza Khan in 1921 did not immediately led to the destitution of the Shah, this one being officially made in 1925. Another point is that the former shah of Iran, in the end of 19th century, tried very hard to get closer to European countries and their way of life. For example, in 1925, Ahmad Shah Qajar went to France and lived there until his death.

So the answer is: "Real politic". More precisely, Reza Khan knows he has a military support, but need internal and international recognitions. When Ataturk propose military forces to restore Ahmad Shah Qajar, he is using the circumstanes to get stronger relationship with Persia. Considering that the offer was declined, what is left to Ataturk, in difficulty with European countries after its multiple wars (against the French in Cilicia and the Greeks in Western Turkey), is to create new links with the new dynasty of Shah. On the other hand, Reza Khan, becoming Palavi, has no interest in fighting Turkey (on diplomacy or with war).

To conclude, at that time many diplomatic offers were made in secret, but in any case Turkey and new Shah of Persia had both advantages in hiding this fact in their relationship.

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