Is there any evidence that some Christian leaders discourage lay Christians from reading the whole OT or NT?


  1. IMO this effectively discourages Roman Catholics from reading the Bible. Yes, they can read it, but their church tells them what it says!

  2. The major theme of the Reformation was "Bible, not Papacy!". So all true Protestants certainly encourage reading the whole NT (and OT also), reciting Acts 17:11: "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so."


Is there any evidence ? My word there is. William Tyndale was strangled and burned for heresy in 1535, basically for translating the Bible into the vernacular. That may seem like a long long time ago, but believe you me, the attitudes behind that murder, tho' softened have not completely disappeared.


As a follow-up to my answer to the previous version of this question, I should mention that the Index of Prohibited Books is no longer in force for Catholics. It was discontinued in 1966 by Pope Paul VI, and relegated to historical status. For a brief, readable explanation from a Catholic perspective, see Does the church still ban books?


What is/are the Christian denomination/denominations that most encourage reading the whole NT?

Baptists often place a high value on Biblical literacy. However, there can be a large variation within a particular denomination.

I was once in a business meeting 20 years ago where the subject of having our manufactured products labeled with the "CE" mark for European distribution was raised. Someone said that we "would not be able to sell without the mark".

Later I was talking with a man who I knew to be Christian (Lutheran) who had been in the same meeting. I was commenting that although I knew the Biblical use of the phrase did not apply to the CE mark, it was still interesting to hear the phrase used. He responded that he did not know what I was talking about. I then asked him if he had ever read the book of Revelation in the Bible. He said his pastor had told his church that they should not read the book of Revelation because only a pastor could understand it.

When you consider that there are many people limited in the ability to understand the Bible by either ability or interest as well as religious leaders who may wish to avoid difficult questions altogether, it should not be surprising that there are many instances of Biblical illiteracy.

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