How should a Christian object to those who say Paradise may be a little boring?


Accepted answer

If we could envision exactly what Heaven is going to be like, it wouldn't be Heaven, just as if we could comprehend God, He wouldn't be God.

Just as man should not create (in their own minds) a God made in their image, but understand that man was made in God's image. So too we must not make Heaven in the image of the earth, but understand that earth reflects in part the image of Heaven.

When we think of playing a harp on a cloud in heaven and singing for eternity, I admit that it doesn't really sound like heaven--even though I love to sing and I think harps are really awesome.

Let me address your three points:

a) experience the same pleasures over and over again: This is an earthly perspective. There is no indication that we will be bound to pleasures that will lose their impact and result in boredom. Rather, God being God certainly would have the capacity to give us eternal joy. In fact, if God is infinite, it will take an eternity to get to know Him fully.

b) Looking down on others in Heaven: Angels certainly have a special place in Heaven, having never known sin. However, we have a special place as well, for we are the only ones for whom God the Son died. God never became an angel, but He did become a man. God's glory will be sufficiently wonderful to drown out all sin. There will be no jealousy as we will all be overflowing with joy.

c) Separation from people we love: Wherever you go in the world, it becomes evident that we were created for relationships. However, we were not ultimately created for relationships just with each other, but for the ultimate relationship with the Ultimate Being. So, our relationships with others are only shadows of the greater relationship we will experience. Our joy of union with God will be far greater than all other unions.

God created us for Himself, and He will not merely satisfy us, but will give us abundant joy for eternity. God is infinitely able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine.


We were created to be in a relationship with God, and that will not be boring. It will be more real and exciting than amything in this life. When John described heaven, in the book of Revelation, he didn't have the words to describe it.

I think it was someone who asked Billy Graham if his pet dog would be in heaven. He said, that if his pet was necessary for his happiness, it would be there, but he suspected that the glory of God would eclipse that desire for a pet. (I should find that exact quote and reference. Here it is: “God will prepare everything for our perfect happiness in heaven, and if it takes my dog being there, I believe he'll be there” (Googled "Billy Graham quotes about dogs"))

If you're looking for depictions of heaven in literature, I recommend "The Great Divorce" by CS Lewis. It has a picture of both hell and heaven, and hell is boring and unsatisfactory, heaven is exciting and real.


One other thing no one has mentioned so far is that its not just heaven, but a new heavens and new earth (Rev 21:1,2). Not only will we have a relationship with God to pursue but we will have a creation unstained by the corruption of the fall. We will also have all the human intuition and wisdom that we can muster to improve upon and explore that second creation (assuming, of course, that God intends us to work & subdue in the second creation as he intended us to work in the first).

Most importantly, we will do all of this with pure holiness, in a place where there isn't even the temptation to sin.

I, for one, am looking very forward to it!


I know it's trite — and I don't believe at all that heaven will be boring — but even if it is "boring", that sure beats the alternative. Indifference isn't an option.

Ultimately, though, I'd like to see people motivated out of love, rather than fear. Find something for them to work towards, rather than run from.


As Saint Paul stated this:

However, as it is written:

“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”[a]— the things God has prepared for those who love him—

(1 Corinthians 2, 9)

a) So if someone tries to picture the state of Heaven with wordly terms, he would certainly create some caricature. This state is not just pursuing pleasures it is being filled with love of God, who is infinite. We can't get bored of it.

b) If God came down from Heaven and became man, how can anyone "look down" upon another. This is satanic pride. Christ, the saints and angels are full of compassion and love for us. Even if they achieved more than us, they will never "look down", because they are free from pride.

c) This is the hardest of the problems for me, but you must note, that God loves people much more that you. So you can't be more merciful for sinners than He is.


The problem is that those authors do not understand heaven.

The point of heaven is worshipping God. [Biblical Belief]

Even if heaven lost all its angels, even if heaven lost all the elect, so long as God is there, heaven will be heaven. [Personal belief.]

How can that be?

Consider the most exciting biography you've ever read; consider the most fascinating interview you've ever watched. Consider how you were completely drawn into the other person's life and were simply in awe.

Worshipping God is an infinitely greater version of that. What is greater? (1) re-watching the Bulls two three-peat runs, (2) reading about Alexander's military conquests or (3) listening to God talk about the flood in the times of Noah, the 10 plagues in the time of Moses, the fire from haven in the days of Elijah, and all the hidden battles fought between the angels we haven't even heard of?

What would be more fascinating? (1) understanding the internals of an F22 jet, (2) comprehending the balance of nature or (3) listening to God talk about how he created the universe in a week?

What will be more heart moving? (1) the "love" of Twilight, (2) the "love" of Romeo / Juliet, or (3) the love of all the unseen things Christ endured on the cross?

Those who fail to understand heaven often (1) judge heaven from the perspective of human opinion, whereas (2) to understand the glory of heaven, we must first seek to understand the attributes of God.


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