Does "Positive Christianity" still exist?


Accepted answer

Positive Christianity was actually a movement that existed prior to the Nazi's rise to power, but it underwent a mass of redefinitions by the Nazi's. Positive Christianity did not die with Hitler and the Nazi regime in 1945, just as Nazism didn't die. The original organization may have dissolved with the fall of the Nazi Party, but it has supposedly been adopted by some modern churches with a white supremacist theology who promote a racist interpretation of Christianity. There is a movement in the United States where a number of these churches have united and are known as Christian Identity Churches. There are less than 50,000 adherents, and the congregations are largely considered extremist hate groups.

Active Christian Identity Groups
Christian Identity Ministries (Australia); Tagline: "The Anglo-Saxon-Keltic-Germanic-Scandinavian People are Israel"
Koehne, Samuel. "Nazism And Religion: The Problem Of 'Positive Christianity'." Australian Journal Of Politics & History 60.1 (2014): 28-42. (link to abstract)

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