Who was the first Devil's Advocate?


The Latin Promoter Fidei translates in English to Promoter of Faith.

The devil's advocate was actually the official name of the Promoter Fidei, an office first attested during the pontificate of Leo X (1513-1521) and formally established by Sixtus V in 1587 during the Counter-Reformation. The duty of the Promotor Fidei was to oversee every aspect of the beatification and canonization process, ensuring that no person received the honors of sainthood rashly, that proper juridical form was observed, and that every potential weakness or objection to the saints canonization was raised and evaluated in order that only those who were truly worthy would be raised to the dignity of the altars.
(From "History of the Devil's Advocate")

This has jokingly led to the Promotor Fidei being called the "Advocatus diaboli" which in English is the "devil's advocate".

According the historian, Giovanni Papa, as commented on the brief of Urban VIII (1623-1644) the first nominated stable promoter of the faith, was Antonio Cerri, on January 2, 1631.

Source: http://www.jgray.org/docs/Promotor_Fidei_lulu.pdf

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