What blood type has been found on the relics of Jesus Christ here on earth?


Christ's relics on earth be them fake or real is up for a big debate however most of the relics are blood group AB even the statues that cry blood have come back testing as blood group ab. Cnn's special on finding Jesus surprinsingly left this out however it did reference at the very end that the sodarium and the shroud tested blood came back both the same blood type. There is a ton of misinformation going around the internet about this and the best websites quote from the scientific data from the original study of the shroud which by the way even the scientist now agree that all evidence besides the carbon dating test point this out to being real. Anyway in the study they were able to test for blood type and get the result of blood type ab. It also states that the blood was to degraded to test for other markers such as being negative or positive. It is also worth noting that when you google this you get many crazy claims like all old blood turns to ab or another one is that blood group ab never even existed until 1000 years ago. Blood group ab is the rarest of the four blood groups and is found today in 3% to 7% of the now population.(in north america)

Shroud- scroll down to pg.11 of report http://www.shroud.com/pdfs/kearse.pdf

Sudarium of Oviedo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudarium_of_Oviedo

Miracle of Lanciano http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracle_of_Lanciano

Host in Buenos Aires http://thedivinemercy.org/shrine/story.php?NID=5114

The Holy eucharist in Naju http://www.marys-touch.com/truth/descents.htm

Weeping Madonna of Syracuse http://www.jnsr.be/uk_lacrymations.htm

about blood and types http://www.redcrossblood.org/learn-about-blood/blood-types


We don't know. Medical science at the time he lived didn't trouble itself over details like blood type checks.

Nor will we ever know*. Jesus resurrection and ascension left no bodily remains to be posthumously examined for DNA clues. Even in the absurdly unlikely event that a physical relic such as piece of wood or cloth could be proved to have been in contact with him, there would still be no guarantee that blood traces or other organic matter was his and not from someone else.

Also, as far as Christianity is concerned, it doesn't matter anyway.

* At least not in this world. I suppose if you still think it's relevant you could ask him in the next, but I have an idea all priorities will be re-ordered and if he tells you it will be for a purposeβ€”something there isn't currently.

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