What has the Holy Spirit taught people after Jesus left?


Cardinal Henry Edward Manning, an Anglican who converted to Catholicism, was the author of the First Vatican Council's definition on papal infallibility in Pastor Γ†ternus. He wrote an excellent book on the question of the role of the Holy Ghost in the Roman Catholic Church:

The temporal mission of the Holy Ghost : or, Reason and revelation (1865)

Briefly, the Holy Ghost has taught us many things; He has

  1. guarded the deposit of faith or Revelation in all its truth,
  2. prevented the Church from teaching error,
  3. guided the development of doctrine,
  4. given council to the church (and all His other gifts, too),
  5. enabled the Church to interpret the true sense of Scripture,
  6. ensured the infallibility of the Pope when he defines dogma pertaining to faith or morals (e.g., the Marian dogmas of the Immaculate Conception and Assumption),


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