If I underwent baptism when I was an adult, but If now I am no longer certain that Jesus revived, then am I still a Christian?


Accepted answer

Being baptised does not make a person a Christian. Having faith in the Son of God, the resurrected and glorified Christ, is essential if you are to call yourself a Christian.

If Jesus was not resurrected after his crucifixion, did not ascended into heaven from whence he came, and is not sitting at the right hand side of God, then there is no basis for Christianity.

There are several compelling lines of historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus:

The demonstrable sincerity of the eyewitnesses (and in the Apostles’ case, compelling, inexplicable change).

The conversion and demonstrable sincerity of key antagonists, and skeptics-turned-martyrs.

The fact of the empty tomb, enemy attestation to the empty tomb, the fact that all of this took place in Jerusalem where faith in the resurrection began and thrived.

The testimony of the women, the significance of such testimony given the historical context.

These all attest to the historicity of the resurrection. Please note, resurrection from the dead, not that Jesus "revived". Please read this article: https://www.gotquestions.org/why-believe-resurrection.html

Doubt and lack of faith can be rectified by a heartfelt desire to learn more about Christ Jesus and what God has done, through him, to save us from the consequences of our sinful nature. Pick up your Bible and read the gospel of John.

Like the disciples who ran away, you can still turn round and follow Him.

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