Are Christians socialists because they are commanded to share their wealth?


Paul wrote in 1 Timothy:

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 1 Timothy 6:17-18 ESV

So, all Christians who have wealth are commanded to be generous. This, however, has absolutely nothing to do with the political system of socialism.

Socialism gives people no choice. Indeed, it takes money from those with wealth.

There is no honor for anyone who does something under compulsion, for he has no choice but to do so. However, there is great honor for the one who gives voluntarily.

The teaching that those who are rich should be generous implicitly acknowledges that there are people who are rich, and while Jesus did command the rich young ruler in Mark 10:21 to sell everything he had and give to the poor, this wasn't a universal command that no one should ever be rich.

So, Mormons and many other Christians as well are bound to follow this teaching, but are not bound to be socialists.


As we wait for perhaps more clarification on the question, I'll attempt an answer anyway and edit later if need be:

No, it can't be said so broadly that "Mormons are socialists," but yes, they do "give their money to poor ones."

You might as well be asking, "Is the Red Cross socialist?" "Is the United Way socialist?" "Is the Ronald McDonald House socialist?" "Are every charitable, Christian people socialist?" All these "give their money to poor ones." With that qualifier, they seem socialist as well.

Jesus teaches that we should be generous and give of what we have to the poor. As far as I know, this is a universal concept among Christian denominations: that what we lose, we gain, and when we give charitably, we lay up store in heaven.

Mormons are often known to give quite generously and are encouraged to live the law of consecration, especially among their own people. If you've been blessed with prosperity or surplus of a particular resource, then you will be blessed more by giving it away with gladness of heart.

That's individualistic. The LDS Church as a whole is known for their humanitarian aid and other efforts (see also this article), much like other non-profit organizations. They also encourage welfare and self-reliance among members and neighbors.

Politically, the LDS Church stands neutral but encourages its members everywhere to be actively and appropriately involved in political process. Thus, societies are improved as governments adopt, through some sort of democratic or republic process, policies and procedures which are in harmony with gospel teachings, creating a better world.

In summary, it is too general to say that "Mormons are socialists" by itself and still be fair and accurate, but some of what Mormons and other Christian groups do exhibits some similarity to "socialism," in that goods are distributed among those who are in need. Beyond that, though, there's no political agendas at a Church level, and I have found individuals in the LDS Church to be generous in giving to the poor and needy.


Um, it's not just Mormons.

Hate to break this to you, but all Christians are supposed to be sharing their wealth with the poor.

Deuteronomy 24 tells the Jews to sell 10% of what they have and share it with everybody on a feast. Jesus says in Luke 3:11 that whoever has two cloaks should share with him who has none. Acts 4 says that they Christians held all they had in common. Paul commands many of those to whom he writes to take up a collection for the poor in Jerusalem.

Sharing the wealth is pretty common in all of Christianity.

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