Is love in a human being immanent or is to say that heresy?


IMMANENCE Presence or operation within someone or something. Total "within-ness." As an operation, an immanent act begins within and remains within the person whom it perfects in the process. Thus acts of reflection and love are immanent acts of a human being. They may, of course, have effects outside the mind and will, but essentially they arise within and stay within the faculties by which they are produced. (Etym. Latin immanere, to remain in, hold to.)
Source: Dictionary: IMMANENCE | Catholic Culture

For a detailed treatment on immanence, please see Immanence | New Advent.

Can one say , 'that love (and compassion?) are inherent in every human being?'

From the definition above, love ( = to will good to someone1), as an immanent act, is an operation [of the will], one must want to do that immanent act, therefore to say it is inherent in every human being would not be correct.

1. cf. LOVE | Catholic Culture.

Note: Heresy does not factor.

Perhaps for your paper you meant to state, 'everyone has the capacity of ...', which is a different topic altogether.

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