How do holders of a literal interpretation of Genesis 1 interpret the word "rule" in verse 16 in light of its apparent contradiction to observation?


To avoid the light-pollution, try getting far away from towns and cities on a cloudless night, and take a walk.

  • If there is a full moon, you'll be able to see quite clearly.
  • If there is a partial moon, you be able to see, but not as well.
  • If there is no moon that night, you'll be almost helpless.

The Moon obviously controls your behaviour at night. It rules over what you can reasonably do.

This is objectively true, even from the point of view of atheistic science.
It has nothing to do with Genesis or religious interpretation.


Whether or not the sun or moon is visible is not what determines the "rule". Rule is defined as rule, dominion, realm, domain. The sun rules the day in that daytime is the sun's domain. On especially cloudy days the sun cannot be seen but it is still there "ruling" the day.

The same can be said of the moon. It gives varying amounts of light to the earth depending upon it's phase but night is it's domain. It may be visible during the day but what light it gives is dwarfed by the greater light whose realm the daytime is.

One of the purposes stated in Genesis for these two dominions, these two rulings, is to separate day from night and to divide the light from the darkness. If the Sun were visible in the night then it would have dominion there as well for it is the greater light. Darkness has no source and only exists in the absence of light.

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