In what churches does this set of beliefs and behaviors best fit?


They may not be exact fits to your criteria, but the most likely options for you to investigate further would be possibly Unitarianism (emphasis on inclusion regardless of specific beliefs) and perhaps more likely, Quakerism (inclusive, but with emphasis on Christ as the light within).

Both would most likely be accomodating towards your beliefs (not necessarily emphasizing the main points you raise however) while seeking to intentionally build communities of spiritually(-and-community)-minded people. From the Unitarian Universalist Association website:

Are My Beliefs Welcome?

In Unitarian Universalism, you can bring your whole self: your full identity, your questioning mind, your expansive heart.

We are creating a force more powerful than one person or one religion. By welcoming people who identify with Atheism and Agnosticism, Buddhism, Christianity, Humanism, Judaism, Earth-Centered Traditions, Hinduism, Islam, and more, we are embodying a vision β€œbeyond belief:” a vision of peace, love, and understanding.

We are building an action-oriented community, bridging races, religions, and creeds with a shared desire to make faith, religion, and spirituality verbs.

Here is a link to a brief introduction to the Quakers - also known as the Religious Society of Friends - which ticks at least some of your boxes:

The Place of the Bible

Friends hold that the words of the Bible should not be taken as the final revelation of God. The Books had been written by men who were acting under the power of the Holy Spirit and it was necessary to read the words in the power of the same spirit and to listen to what the Spirit then spoke in your heart. The words were active agents in the sense that, when read in the Spirit at the appropriate time, they would spring to life for the reader and take the reader forward on his or her spiritual journey.

The Light Within

George Fox [the founder of Quakerism] preached the Good News that we were all children of God and that, as children of God, we had inherited powers from God. Each of us was given a measure of this power or light and in accordance with how we used it, so more would be given to us. Jesus had possessed this power or light, without measure so that he became the Light and the Light within is Jesus Christ.

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