What practical effect do stock worship phrases, like "God be magnified", have?


Accepted answer

Clearly, those phrases can't mean that we have the ability to alter God in any way. I don't think that the definition of "magnify God" in these phrases means to actually make God "bigger" or "greater". I understand them to mean "Make God more prominent in my life, our culture, etc."

Magnification doesn't make objects bigger, it alters our perception of an object, making it appear bigger to us.

Similarly, magnifying God doesn't make Him bigger, it means He becomes more prominent to us.

The phrase "God, I magnify you" simply means "I am making you greater (more important) in my life, and putting you first, because you are my focus and priority."


What utter from our lips come from our heart. When we say God be magnify ,your whole being, in whatever you say or do you do it all in the name of Jesus.


There are not enough words to describe the greatness of God. When we say "God be magnified" we are saying we are focusing on Him and only Him in our moment of worship. We are bringing Him to the fore front of our consciousness making everything in our life less significant at the time of worship.


They're probably just taking this verse literally:

Psalm 70:4 KJV Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, "Let God be magnified".

Though more modern translations usually replace "Let God be magnified" with "God is great!". It's simply a statement of praise meant to worship the Lord.

So then your question, are we really magnifying God by saying these things? If by magnifying you mean worshiping then, if our hearts are sincere, yes we are! But if you mean are we literally magnifying him, making him bigger, stronger, etc... then most certainly not. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

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