What was the original writing in the Bible about "don't offer comments to the unwise"?


I read a few translations just to find one that used language that was a little closer to what you wrote and I think this version of Proverbs 9 is closest:

7 (Rash souls there are, godless souls, that will not be taught or trained; who makes the attempt, gets only injury and abuse for his thanks. 8 With a rash fool never remonstrate; it will make him thy enemy; only the wise are grateful for a remonstrance. 9 Ever the wise profit by the opportunity to become wiser yet; ever the godly are the best learners.)

Proverbs 9:7-9 - Knox Translation

You can check out New Advent for the "original" Latin or Greek. The real original would be Masoretic texts written in Hebrew, I'm not sure you'll profit from reading either of those, but maybe I'm taking your question too literally.

Interestingly enough, the commentary on the Knox bible says "There is some reason to suspect dislocation in the text here. These verses do not fit naturally into the speech of Wisdom, who is making an express appeal (verse 4) to the foolish." which makes sense because lots of proverbs talk about avoiding dealings with the foolish, not approving dealing with the wise so much.

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