Is the study of God like philosophy?


Accepted answer

The simple answer that you are seeking is "No." The simple reason is that philosophy is not a living, sentient Being, to be understood as a 'Who', but is merely a 'What'.

What is philosophy? According to my Oxford Dictionary, 1976, it is the endeavour of human minds "seeking wisdom or knowledge, especially that which deals with ultimate reality, or with the most general causes and principles of things and ideas and human perception and knowledge of them, physical phenomena (natural philosophy), and ethics (moral philosophy); advanced learning in general (doctor of philosophy); philosophical system; system of principles for conduct of life."

God is not a 'What' but a 'Who'. Anyone who disbelieves in the existence of a supreme Being (God), can only have a head-trip, taking in knowledge about a subject that (to them) does not exist - they study theology without studying God. Lots of people have gained human qualifications in theology without believing in the existence of God, some of whom have gone on to preach theology in pulpits. But they have not preached God. You won't learn anything about the reality of God from them.

If, as you say, you have a "general idea of working together [which] is what I think of as being like God", you are lost before you begin. Nothing and nobody can help you understand the nature and Being of God until you get down on your knees and pray to God for help from him to learn of him. Not 'about' him - as an academic study - but to know him personally. Until you act in accordance with the possibility that a real, living, supreme Being exists, all you can hope for is cold-blooded theology. But Christians who believe in God and who seek him with all their hearts, know the love of God in Christ, without any need to study theology or philosophy.

God reveals himself to those whom he chooses to reveal himself to. Christianity is a matter of revelation from heaven, down to earth, supremely in the person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. If that isn't your starting point for understanding, you will understand nothing of any worth about God.

Please pardon me if this answer sounds harsh. It's just that some questions are too far from the starting-point to even begin to get an answer. The only starting-point for learning about God is to turn to him in prayer, seeking his help, and that requires a particle of belief that he exists and will hear your prayer.

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