The voice of God vs the voice of Satan


Accepted answer

I think what you are seeing is a reaction to a stereotype created by our culture and the popular media. Much like the picture in the minds of many people of the Devil parading around in red tights with a pitch fork.

In actual fact, scripture teaches us that Lucifer, whose name means "Light Bearer", was the "Morning Star" who fell from heaven in Isa 14 and Ezekiel 28 describes him as "the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty". He is understood to have been an archangel and a prince of heavenly worship. Other scripture teaches that he comes as an "angel of light" (2 Cor 11:14).

So, in actual fact, the devil is likely to present as someone visually and audibly beautiful. Some allowance may need to be made for subsequent corruption after he fell, but since angels are purely spiritual beings, they likely can manifest in our realm in any form that serves their purpose.

Now, while I personally don't care for grungy metal and don't find it either pleasing or uplifting, I find it unlikely that it's inherently demonic simply because it uses raspy metallic vocals.

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