Where did Jesus stay during his 3.5 year ministry?


Accepted answer

It's pretty clear from reading the Gospels that Jesus did not have a 'fixed abode' during his ministry. He moved around from place to place. He certainly stayed on some occasions with supporters. On other occasions it is probable he slept outside.

There are a number of occasions where Jesus is recorded as staying at the Mount of Olives, notably during visits to Jerusalem. It seems his preference was to come to Jerusalem only during the day, and to stay at the Mount of Olives (a short walk outside Jerusalem) for the night. The home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus was on the Mount of Olives, and he may have stayed there.


Jesus did not necessarily need to own a house to have a "fixed abode." He could have stayed with Peter at his home in Capernaum during his stays. Although we don't know the exact length of his stays, we know that he lived there (Matt 4:13), it was referred to as his own city (Matt 8:1) and Mark referred to Capernaum as His home (Mark 2:1).


Jesus stayed on the mountain called Olivet during His ministry.

37 And in the daytime He was teaching in the temple, but at night He went out and stayed on the mountain called Olivet.

38 Then early in the morning all the people came to Him in the temple to hear Him. (Luke 21:37–38, NKJV)

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