Is it morally okay to donate potentially tainted goods?


Consider giving them to an e-waste facility rather than throwing them away.

God gave humanity stewardship over the Earth, and part of that would involve the responsible and sustainable use of resources. Since electronics use certain rare minerals in their production, and mining them can cause a fair bit of environmental damage, rather than throwing them away, I would consider giving them to an e-waste handling facility to be recycled.


Agree with @DJClayworth and @RayButterworth that disclosing your concern plus saying "use at your own risk" should be sufficient to relieve your conscience.

For extra precaution:

  1. I would only give them to people who can understand and appreciate the warning. Thus, not to someone who doesn't even know what "USB" or "rootkit" means.
  2. I would also only give them to someone who (based on my reasonable knowledge of the person) would take the right precaution, not someone whom I know to be reckless.

Other alternatives:

  1. Use a tool such as USB Low-Level Format installed on a bootable CD, on a stand-alone computer (not connected to any network) without any hard drives / SSD.

  2. Ask a security conscious IT colleague who do these kinds of things in their job to wipe clean those USB drives.

  3. Donate / sell them to a computer repair shop.


There is a relatively simple test that you can do to give you a good indication of the morality, based on the teachings of Jesus. Ask yourself "Would I want someone to give me one of these, and would I use it If they did?" You can also tell the recipient what the problem with the drive is when you give it to them, then they can make their own decision.

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