Are there any sects that prohibit the use of images in general?


I'm going to go out on a limb and say no.

It's very hard to say that no Christians believe something, but in this case I'm prepared to say so. I base this on the fact that there are some very strict sects that are against the use of images for various reasons, but none that ban their use in general.

As a fact there are plenty of conservative Christian groups that prohibit the use of "graven images" in religious settings, but no sizeable ones that ban their use entirely. The most likely candidates would be Old Order Mennonite and Amish groups. They are quite strictly against the use of images in worship and religion. They are also against the use of personal photographs, but not against all images in general.

The prohibition against personal pictures is twofold. They believe that having a picture taken encourages vanity and a concern for ones appearance rather than holiness. One should not keep photographs of family members or friends because they should be remembered for their spiritual attributes rather than their physical appearance.

So while personal pictures are forbidden, other kinds of images are not.

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