Which church/denomination do most writers of GotQuestions, Creation Ministries International and Answers in Genesis belong to?


Accepted answer

Kris has given you an excellent answer (+1) but I want to add to the information about Got Questions because I have been a writer for them since 2012.

According to their mission statement, they are Christian, Protestant, evangelical, theologically conservative, and non-denominational.

Source: https://www.gotquestions.org/faith.html

Since this declaration is clear and unambiguous, then it’s obvious they are not going to support Catholic teachings such as Mariology, transubstantiation, the baptism of infants and apostolic succession. Recently, I’ve had occasion to remind people who ask about Catholicism that we are a Protestant ministry. Whenever we are asked about the theology of the Catholic Church, or even the theology of non-Trinitarian denominations, our answers are always based on the Bible. Our purpose is to point people to God’s word and to Christ Jesus as the only way to salvation.

Their writers come from all over the world, and they are chosen because of their Protestant views and their ability to communicate Christian beliefs in a caring and sensitive manner, always using the Bible to support what is said. Nobody at Got Questions keeps a register of whether a writer belongs to a particular denomination, or not.

For what it’s worth, I was baptised 25 years ago (as an adult) in a U.K. Baptist church. That does not make me a Baptist. That makes me a born-again Christian, a person who belongs to Christ Jesus.

With regard to your comment to Kris that Got Questions “tries to teach people things that are incompatible with Catholic doctrine” and that some Christians might “fall for their heresies”, all that can be said is if anybody wants to find out about Catholic doctrine, traditions and history, then they should go to a Catholic web site.

Please be aware that Christianity Stack Exchange is not in the business of taking theological pot-shots at other denominations. Each person is responsible for making up their own mind about what the Bible teaches and they are at liberty to check out various sources before drawing any conclusion. If you have a complaint against Got Questions, you know what to do – send in your question and, who knows, it might even be assigned to me. Wouldn’t that be fun!


From the Got Questions website mission statement we find the answer

Got Questions Ministries seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by providing biblical, applicable, and timely answers to spiritually related questions through an internet presence."

GotQuestions.org is a ministry of dedicated and trained servants who have a desire to assist others in their understanding of God, Scripture, salvation, and other spiritual topics. We are Christian, Protestant, evangelical, theologically conservative, and non-denominational. We view ourselves as a para-church ministry, coming alongside the church to help people find answers to their spiritually related questions.

We will do our best to prayerfully and thoroughly research your question and answer it in a biblically based manner. It is not our purpose to make you agree with us, but rather to point you to what the Bible says concerning your question. You can be assured that your question will be answered by a trained and dedicated Christian who loves the Lord and desires to assist you in your walk with Him. Our writing staff includes pastors, youth pastors, missionaries, biblical counselors, Bible/Christian college students, seminary students, and lay students of God’s Word.

All of our answers are reviewed for biblical and theological accuracy by our staff. Our CEO, S. Michael Houdmann, is ultimately accountable for our content, and therefore maintains an active role in the review process. He possesses a Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies from Calvary University, a Master’s degree in Christian Theology from Calvary Theological Seminary, and is currently pursuing a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. Please go here for more information on our expertise.

Creation ministries states.

Creation Ministries International is a group of non-profit ministries in several countries. Though each is a legally and financially autonomous body, we have formally unified our efforts as a federation of ministries under the banner ‘CMI-Worldwide’ that helps to ensure unity, harmony, and efficiency of outreach. Our role is to support the church in proclaiming the truth of the Bible and thus its Gospel message. We provide real-world answers to the most-asked questions in the vital area of creation/evolution, where the Bible is most under attack today—Genesis. We are apolitical and non-denominational (as an organisation, not as individuals within it). We try to confine ourselves to matters as defined broadly by our Statement of Faith, and try to not get involved as a ministry in other controversies or issues within Christendom, no matter how important we, as individuals, might regard these.

Answers in Genesis

is also reticent to denominationally identify but they declare that Trinitarianism is a must for all to believe

Church • >The church of Jesus Christ is composed of all who are united with him in saving faith and who are thus members of the body of which he is the head (John 3:16, 3:36, 11:25; Acts 16:30–31; Romans 10:8–10; Ephesians 5:23; Colossians 1:18). • Those who do not believe in Christ are subject to everlasting, conscious punishment in hell, but believers are secure to enjoy eternal life with God in heaven (Matthew 13:49–50, 25:46; John 3:16–18, 3:36, 5:24; 1 Thessalonians 1:8–10; 1 John 5:11–13; Revelation 21:8). • All Christians are to live in fellowship with a local, Bible-believing church (as portrayed in the New Testament), uniting in its worship of the triune God, supporting the great commission, and loving one another with pure and sincere hearts (Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 11:17–33, 16:2; Hebrews 10:23–25, 13:17).

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