Paul would have connected the reason for meeting with the reason for "doing church" in the first place, "doing church" being an important practical implication of his sermon in Hebrews. Being an eminently flexible and practical pastor, as long as the most important goals of "doing church" are met (which can be summarized as building up the body of Christ through teaching, doing good, encouragement, communal worship) Paul would have instructed local church leader(s) to decide what form of meeting (physical, virtual, or combination) is best to build up the body of Christ. The key point of Heb 10:25 then is to NOT stop building up the body of Christ, instead of requiring physical meeting.
First, we need to ask why Paul exhorted the congregation not to neglect meeting together. I think the best clues should come from within the sermon text itself (the whole book of Hebrew), especially within the section (Call to Faith and Endurance, 10:19-12:29) and within the paragraph (10:23-25) contexts. From a survey of commands involving more than one person, commands that Paul sprinkled throughout the sermon (see the next section below), we have a very good picture of the most likely PURPOSES for the meeting:
I think it is clear that the "neglecting to meet" (by some who made the habit) can be interpreted as those who ALSO neglected the purposes of why they should go to church in the first place. They probably have "dropped off the radar" completely. Remember that in Paul's time going to church meant going to someone's house, a social situation similar to a house party now. Each church was relatively small (up to 100-200) so if one didn't come to meetings for a while others surely would have noticed. They also needed each other much more, being a persecuted group without legal and societal recognition, similar to underground churches in hostile countries nowadays.
For us in the modern era, even before the pandemic started, some of the above purposes have ALREADY been neglected by some church members who just go to a mass / service then go home without talking to anyone. For them, going virtual wouldn't make much difference. But for a church whose members have a healthier community which really tries to embody the above purposes, going virtual would present some challenges.
We know Paul to be an eminently practical and flexible pastor, so I think we can safely conclude that for churches which read Heb 10:25 in the context of all of Paul's letters, any creative solution involving virtual meetings, small group meetings, social distancing outdoor activities, etc. should be acceptable to mitigate prudent governmental or self-imposed restrictions until the pandemic is over, as long as the above PURPOSES are met. Meeting physically should simply make it easier.
What if a church decides to stop physical meetings altogether even after the pandemic is over, making them a virtual church? They should then question themselves on how to achieve the goals that Paul clearly taught in the book of Hebrews in order to truly function as a body of Christ.
The main purpose of the book is to call the congregation to remain faithful to Christ despite the trials of following Him. Paul then reminds them of their faith and instruction, highlighting Christ as better than angels, better than Moses, better than earthly temple, better than old covenant of sacrifices to expiate sins (1:1 to 10:18). Paul concludes that if they reject this better provision, they are doomed since God gave nothing better than Christ (Heb 10:26-31). Then Paul reminds them how they used to practice their faith with love and endure suffering with joy (Heb 10:32-39). Paul then spurred them to emulate the great cloud of witnesses of faith from the past and to run the race of endurance and to see trials as the Father's loving discipline (Heb 11:1-12:13). Paul concludes with encouragement to listen to God, pointing out that instead of coming to the terrible Mount Sinai in the company of rebellious Israelites who were afraid to listen to God, they now have come to the glorious Mount Zion (city of the living God) in the company of the joyful assembly of God's firstborn children whose names are written in heaven, so they can listen without fear (Heb 12:14-12:29). Chapter 13 is some practical applications of the sermon.
Clues from Paul's action sentences to why they should meet (in the book context):
Clues from Paul's action sentences to why they should meet (in the section context, Heb 10:19-12:29):
Clues from Paul's action sentences to why they should meet (in the paragraph context, Heb 10:23-25):
The Reformed Presbyterian group I worship with has eagerly resumed in-person services as soon as it was possible to do so. But services / sermons remain as recordings either for those with Zoom or who like old-fashioned CDs. This is because some vulnerable people (mainly elderly and those with compromised immune systems to begin with) have not yet returned to the building and may never do so. It seems that a combination of worship service systems will be the new way. This applies to most of the congregations within 'my' denominational group.
For gatherings such as the men's and the women's monthly fellowships, no 'virtual' version did, or will, happen. For years before Covid, a group from various local denominations met monthly in our building for prayer, but it switched to Zoom since lockdown. Now we are hoping to get back into the building for prayer, and those other monthly get-togethers (which include boys and girls).
However, I just received a quarterly journal from a disparate group of Protestant Christians who do not form one particular congregation. They can be all over the country but the journal, and now Zoom events, link them together. They are really keen on virtual events, as these quotes show, first from an article headed "Not giving up meeting together - Heb. 10:25" with the strap-line, "Perhaps we need to rethink how we interact with each other?" There was no single person credited with the article; it just came from "the community". Here's what was said:
"The fact is that, in these Days of COVID, we need to redefine what it is to meet together. I have to confess that, since I have been forced to conduct my meetings on ZOOM, I have never been so encouraged than I am now! We need to adapt to this new reality in our lives, rather than giving up. One lady has even published the fact that our ZOOM Bible Studies are better than any face-to-face meetings she has attended!"
The unknown writer then detailed three weekly virtual times, one for a moderated panel discussion where anyone can join in to comment (some 'heavy' topics are tackled.) The second was "our safe place for people to really get to know each other and support each other through chat and prayer. Sometimes there may be guided meditation on the Word, other times we discuss the trivialities of life, such as what we had for breakfast!" The third one is a series of "Gospel snapshots" held in "a friendly, accepting atmosphere, where all are encouraged to take part, rather than being led by 'Bible scholars'."
Another page advertised "A place of Scriptural safety, discussion, interaction and online teaching - without geographical boundaries. A place to go and grow." A web-site link was given.
Yet another page quoted Heb. 10:25, adding Jesus' words, 'For when two or three are gathered in my name there am I...'. Then came this quote:
"Despite being considered inferior to meeting in person, screen meetings have taken on an unexpected virtue. Within small groups, close and intimate fellowship is surprising[ly] possible; added to which there are no geographical boundaries. When our Bible studies met in each others' houses, we found they had something special, but we had no idea how connecting online with a wider world would bring an even greater richness and depth to our studies. If you are seeking something more than the 'wood veneer' of many church groups and want to dig deep into the Scriptures, why not get in contact with us?"
I also know that groups such as the Jehovah's Witnesses stopped all meetings in their Kingdom Halls (globally) once lockdowns started, and they have not resumed. They continue to meet via Zoom. And instead of doing their door-to-door work, they write letters to people in their area, usually providing a contact e-mail or phone number to encourage their readers to find out more. Given their end-time theology, it is unlikely that they ever will resume in-person meetings at their Kingdom Halls.
As an over-view of Protestants (though Jehovah's Witnesses do not call themselves 'Protestants'), there seems to me to be three main attitudes to virtual events in light of Hebrews 10. (1) Virtual 'meetings' are better than no personal getting together in worship, but nothing equals actual meeting in person (especially for sung praise, communal prayer, and the sacraments). (2) Virtual 'meetings' are so good, they should not only be continued, but can be better in some respects, so let's increase them. (Some particular views of 'church' and end-time beliefs can promote that idea.) (3) Virtual events should be back-up to gathering in person to worship, helping those who simply cannot attend, or to cut down on much traveling, which turns out not to be as necessary as we thought, so let's use modern technology in a subsiduary way.
I'm not going into any theology about Hebrews 10 with regard to virtual meetings, because all this has been a purely circumstantial event due to the pandemic. But theology will have to be thrashed out sooner or later given how nothing is likely to be the same again, with regard to global health issues. Christians are at a crossroads, really, with choices to make about on-going fellowship and worship. Their leaders need to weigh up what's really going on behind the scenes, spiritually speaking.
We live in an age where "meeting together" doesn't have to mean face to face services. I noticed in the comments you said:
But that depends on getting what is so important about meeting together, and then seeing if that extends to 'meeting together' at a distance by screens.
In your quote you include the "what is so important"
"Let us hold resolutely to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how to spur one another on to love and good deeds. 25 Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have made a habit, but let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
The reasoning is that we must spur one another on to love and good deeds - things we can do over zoom and perhaps to greater effect. I know many people who are reluctant to meet again in large groups, despite rules being relaxed by government, and being able to join services over zoom has been a real life-line. Arguably love and good deeds are what drives us to reach those in their time of need.
And encouragement, those words can come through a phone call, a zoom call or even letters to those in your community.
The wording, also, is not perscriptive of a single method but to encourage you to use your own methods.
24 And let us consider how to spur one another on to love and good deeds
The method is not set in stone, as long as you spur one another on the act is more important than the method.
Let us start this answer by pointing out that while churches have stopped in-person meetings "indefinitely" according to the technical usage (which means "for an unknown time period") they have not stopped meeting permanently (the common use of "indefinitely"). There is absolutely an expectation that in-person meetings will resume when it is safe.
Different churches will have different reasons as to how they address the passage in question.