Did pastors or clergymen get killed by snakebite?


There appears to be evidence to show some Pentecostal pastors have died as a result from handling snakes during religious services:

The handling of venomous snakes has significant risks. Ralph Hood observes, "If you go to any serpent-handling church, you'll see people with atrophied hands, and missing fingers. All the serpent-handling families have suffered such things".[20] Jamie Coots, a pastor who subsequently died from a snakebite, said, "Handlers get bitten all the time, and every few years someone dies".[38]

Various figures for the total number of deaths from snakebite during religious services have been proposed:

"over 100 documented deaths" (2003) by Ralph Hood.[20]

"around 120" (2005) by Robert Winston.[39]

"about 100 deaths" (2013) by Julia Duin, a journalist who has covered snake handling churches and is writing a book on the subject.[40]

"91 documented snake bite deaths" (2015) by Paul Williamson, professor of psychology at Henderson State University and co-author of books with Ralph Hood.[41]

Another source indicates that 35 people died between 1936 and 1973.

This practice is prevelant in some Holiness or Pentecostal churches is parts of the United States.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake_handling_in_Christianity#Risks

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