What precisely is the sacramental "economy"? In which sense it is an economy?


Oἰκονομία means "the management of a household" or "stewardship", as in the Septuagint's Is. 22:19 ("And I will…depose thee from thy ministry [οικονομίας].") or Lk. 16:2 ("give an account of thy stewardship [οἰκονομίας]: for now thou canst be steward [οἰκονομεῖν] no longer.").

The OED gives these theological definitions for "economy":

a. The method of divine government of the world, or of a specific aspect or part of that government.
The sense is used pre-eminently of God's dealings with mankind in the Incarnation, but also as these relate to creation and revelation through Scripture and the reconciling activity in the Sacraments.
b. spec. A method or system of divine government suited to the needs of a particular nation or period of time, as Mosaic economy, Jewish economy, Christian economy, etc. Cf. dispensation n. 6.

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