What is the full meaning of Mathew 24:36-51 from a view of Methodists or Baptist


This passage is used as evidence for the theological view known as the rapture, which prevalent in America, especially amongst pre-millenialists.

The simple explanation (which you can read about in fictionalised form in the popular Left Behind books), is that true Christians will be spared the tribulations of the End Times, by being taken away to the New Jerusalem. The nominal Christians and non-Christians will be left to suffer, with the intention of giving them a further chance to repent.

Since there is no definite consensus amongst Christians as to whether pre, post or even a-millenialism is the most likely interpretation of Revelation, there is also dispute amongst Baptists and other denominations about whether the rapture is real or not.


I can only answer from the perspective of the Baptist. That particular passage is considered a warning from the Lord that his second coming will be swift, and that this is the only pre event warning we will get. He points out that life will continue normally, and that we will be totally unaware that the spectacular event of his return is about to happen.

The passage about the unfaithful servant is also a warning that we cannot wait until the end to be a good Christian. He warns us that people will be selected to go to Heaven while someone of similar circumstance will be left behind.

He warns us that we are human and that if we knew exactly when he would return, we would wait until the last moments to become acceptable to go to Heaven, as this is the nature of mankind. So he says for us to be wary and expect that there may not be a next minute to repent. He also warns us that his return will be timed to occur at a time when we least expect it. Who would have been looking for his return during the attack on the World trade center, or another earth shaking event.

The final part of the passage you quoted is the most revealing of all in that he is telling us that he has given us the things that God wants us to do while here on Earth, and it will be good if he returns to find us giving our best efforts to live a life doing those things. He also tells that if he returns and finds us doing things contrary to his teachings he will utterly destroy us.

Although this is an abbreviated synopsis of the meaning of Matthew chapter 24 I hope it is sufficient to let you know how we as Baptists regard the lesson about Jesus return.

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