How do Lutherans interpret John 5:24?


Accepted answer

"[...] whoever believes in [Christ] should not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).

The Gospel message is all about faith in Christ, who paid the debt we couldn't. That payment isn't only for past sins, but for all Sin.

Shamelessly stealing from this (Lutheran) sermon and in turn from Gregory of Nazianzus... when we stand before God in final Judgment, what will happen? All have sinned, all have fallen short, all stand rightly condemned. But Christ Jesus intercedes on the behalf of believers; "whoever hears [Jesus'] word and believes in Him who sent [Jesus] [...] shall not come into condemnation" (John 5:24).

I suppose you could say it's about "past" sins, if by "past sins" you mean "sins committed prior to Judgment". 🙂

Note: so far as I know, this is how evangelicals in general, if not the majority of Christians, would respond. I'm not aware of anything specific in (mainstream) Lutheran doctrine that would make a Lutheran-specific answer different.

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