What is the eugenic "indication" in Casti Connubii?


Accepted answer

Arthur Vermeersch, S.J., might have been that encyclical's ghostwriter. He describes the "eugenic indication" in his catechism on that encyclical, What is Marriage? p. 47:

  1. What are some of the opinions that are current on the subject of feticide and abortion?
    […] A eugenic reason [or "determining reason" to "allow feticide"] is to prevent the birth of children who would be monstrous or idiotic.

Also, pp. 51-2:

  1. Is eugenic science then to be reprobated?
    […] On March 21 of this year (1931) the Holy Office, with the approval of the Holy Father, declared that we must absolutely reject and hold as false and condemned by the Encyclical "Casti Connubii" of December 31, 1930, the so-called "eugenic" doctrine, as well "positive" eugenics as "negative," together with the means which it indicates for the improvement of the human race, by neglecting the laws of nature, of God, or of the Church, concerning marriage and the rights of individuals. [AAS 32 p. 118]

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