Religious Offshoots of Christianity Ranked by Population


Accepted answer

This is the most comprehensive survey (dated December, 2011) that I could find. You will need to examine this lengthy report yourself for more detailed information but the following extracts may be useful:

About half of all Christians worldwide are Catholic (50%), while more than a third are Protestant (37%). Orthodox communions comprise 12% of the world’s Christians. Other Christian groups, which make up the remaining 1%, include the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Christian Science Church. Muslims, the second-largest group, make up a little less than a quarter of the world’s population

The following link provides information on how Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox and other denominations are categorised:

Here is a brief statistical summary from the findings within this report:

Total Christian Population Worldwide: 2.184 billion (31.7% of world population)

Of which: Catholic 50.1% Protestant 36.7% Orthodox 11.9% Other 1.3%

Within Protestantism: 305 million Charismatics 279 million Pentecostals 285 million Evangelicals

Largest Distinct Protestant Denominational Families: Anglican (11%) Lutheran (10%) Baptist (9%) Reformed/Presbyterian (7%)

Total Muslim Population Worldwide: 1.6 billion (23.4% of world population)

Certainly, this report gives "ballpark" estimates about the largest groups within Christianity. It is possibly the most detailed and comprehensive survey available, even though these statistics are 8 years old. I hope this helps you.

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