Did Mary and Joseph become rich with the presents given to them by the magi?


When Presenting Jesus to the temple, Mary and Joseph not being able to afford a lamb, made an offering of two turtle doves for their purification indicating that they were not rich but poor. What ever amount they did receive it was not to last more than a few months at most.


Marc's answer and curiousdannii's comment are correct. I went to a study series where the flight into Egypt was made into an epic tragedy of escaping, being afraid, homeless and barely scraping by. Now, that's possible, but I would hope that God would be a bit more generous. So I told the group that the gold, frankincense and myrrh were enough to get the Holy Family to Alexandria, where there was a sizeable Jewish community, where they could be somewhat comfortable and to support them while Joseph did what he could. I was scolded for being so optimistic, so I never went back.

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