On a Quote of Bl. Jerzy Popiełuszko---"an Idea Capable of Life..."


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From Rosary Workshop, we have

Do not fight by means of violence. Violence is a sign of weakness. Whatever cannot win by influencing the heart tries to win by means of violence. The most splendid and lasting battles known to history are the battles of human thought. The most ignoble and the shortest are the battles of violence. An idea which needs weapons to survive, will die by itself.

And from the Sangreal podcast "The Eucharist and the Heart of a Martyr", we have

An idea which needs rifles to survive dies of its own accord. An idea capable of life wins without effort and is then followed by millions of people.

Hence, the full quote is along these lines:

Do not fight by means of violence. Violence is a sign of weakness. Whatever cannot win by influencing the heart tries to win by means of violence. The most splendid and lasting battles known to history are the battles of human thought. The most ignoble and the shortest are the battles of violence. An idea which needs rifles to survive dies of its own accord. An idea capable of life wins without effort and is then followed by millions of people.

A Martyr for the Truth by Grazyna Sikorska, may have been the book you read. If so, I believe that the first words of the above quote are "Do not struggle with violence..."

In any case, I think the above is a reasonably correct full quote.


The following is taken from "Jerzy Popiełuszko: A Martyr for the Truth" by Grazyna Sikorska, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, MI, p. 52, quoting Father Jerzy:

"Do not fight by means of violence. Violence is a sign of weakness. Whatever cannot win by influencing the heart tries to win by means of violence. The most splendid and lasting battles known to history are the battles of human thought. The most ignoble and the shortest are the battles of violence. An idea which needs rifles to survive, will die by itself. The idea which prevails merely through the use of violence is perverted. A living idea conquers by itself. It is followed by millions" (MFC, December 1982).

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